Tuesday, January 25, 2011

go away tissue box!

hey.. girls always love soppy, sentimental movies, don't we?
especially korean dramas which make us cry like we are lil kids who can't get the lollipop?

well.. stop watching them when you are feeling a little down.
if you feel down, watching them can make you feel EXTREMLY down.
hence, say NO to soppy drama.
why not try to watch some comedy?
for example...
the latest comedy which is now showing in cinema?
yay. no thriller or soppy movies ok?
try watching this trailer if you understand mandarin i am sure you will laugh!!

hope you enjoy it!
i bet you can definitely feel less stress after watching comedy!
gooooo. say NO to soppy movies and yay to jokes and comedy.
laugh your lungs out and have a good laughing day!

oh.. happy chinese new year too!

your faithful destress friend.

Monday, January 24, 2011


Hello Readers!
How are you?
I would love to share another music that I found on Youtube.
It's a music piece by Mozart!

I personally find Mozart's music are very calming and soothing.
Babies to adults to old folks.. everyone would definitely enjoy his music.
Every piece of his music are his masterpiece.
The music video below is one of my favorite.
Many scientific studies have shown that the brain exhibits different behavior when listening to classical music and one of those behaviors is that it causes the release of chemicals that make you feel better. These are the same ones that get released when you exercise.
Science has also shown that classical music can act as a cause to slow down your breathing and heart rate which can be very useful in certain situations.
So why not start downloading classical musics into your iPod and listen to them?

have a good night sleep... till then ;)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

4 easy outdoor activities to destress

I reckon university life as stressful as working life, but I still prefer the former because it's awesome. I enjoy surfing the internet and digging information regarding stress and this post will include four very easy outdoor activities you can do to destress yourself from whatever stress that's killing you!

1. Running

Running is a good stress reliever. It 'cures stress, emotional strain and even mild depression', according to About.com. Besides, running is easy and is good for your health!

Photo credit

Stay healthy, stay fit and lose weight apart from destress by start running today!

2. Fishing

For people who enjoy fishing, it is certainly an awesome way to destress as they will feel the excitement as they leave home to go fishing and peace when they are fishing at a quite place. It might not lose you any weights compared to other types of exercises, but it certainly helps to destress yourself. However, if you aren't a person who enjoys sitting and doing basically nothing quietly, you probably should think twice before heading out to fish. (who knows you might get impatient and stress yourself for not getting any catches!)

3. Play your favourite sports

The best way to destress yourself is by doing something you enjoy most. Go out and play! Play volleyball! Play tennis! Play ping pong! Play whatever sports that you enjoy the most and can sweat you out.

Photo credit

At the end of the day, what you get is less stress and more satisfaction (and maybe less fats too!)

4. Go hiking!

This may sound crazy but yes it does work. Hiking doesn't purely involve physical strength going up and down in the greens. You can include other activities such as camping and photography rather than just hike. Set your routes and list down what you want to do during the hike and focus on completing the tasks you enjoy. It gives you a sense of satisfaction when you've achieved all your objectives. You could go hike and take pictures of the greeneries or the tiny animals.

Photo credit

Upload them pretty images and see the 'likes' on Facebook increase in just hours' time - that's one way to feel good and destress too!

That's the four outdoor activities you can do to destress yourself. Gonna grab my pair of Adizero for a run now! =)

Saturday, January 22, 2011


"Endorphins are a group of peptide hormones that occur naturally in the brain that, when released, increase your body's threshold for pain and affect the way you feel emotionally." -eHow

when you're feeling stress and down, endorphins runs low in your body.
so you must be asking how to increase the endorphins?
alright. in this post, i shall write about foods that can happy-fy you! :)
The N-acyclethanoloamine group of chemicals found in chocolate stimulates channels in the brain to release endorphins.
Happiness rating: 5/5
Nutritional value: Chocolate contains high quantities of phenols, antioxidants which boost mood, but it also contains large amounts of fat and sugar and so piles on the calories. Because chocolate is sugary, it increases blood sugar levels very quickly, causing an energy boost, but this is followed just as quickly by a slump.

These are a rich source of vitamin C, which helps in the production of endorphins and aid the absorption of iron. They are also a good source of potassium, which helps in the generation of nerve impulses. The red colour of strawberries is due to anthocyanidin, a flavonoid known as pecargonidin.These also change our mood for the better.
Happiness rating: 4/5
Nutritional value: Sweet enough from their own sugar, strawberries are carbohydrate (starch) free but do contain some fibre. Flavonoids are powerful antioxidants, which help rid the body of harmful toxins.

Most varieties contain a good source of vitamin A, riboflavin, vitamin B12, calcium and protein from the milk.
Happiness rating: 4/5
Nutritional value: The best-tasting ice-creams tend to be high in fat and sugar so are best eaten as occasional treats. Less fattening alternatives include calcium-fortified frozen yoghurts and desserts containing just 1pc fat.

A great source of protein with no fat, pasta is also a good source of complex carbohydrates, which fill us up while releasing energy slowly. Protein contains two amino acids, tryptophan and L-pheny-lalanine, which also produce endorphins. It has been shown that a lack of protein in the diet can cause depressed moods in people with low intakes of these amino acids.
Happiness rating: 3/5
Nutritional value: Excellent. Pasta made from wholemeal flour is an even better choice, as it contains a high quantity of fibre and vitamin B complex.

French bread 
A good source of energy, containing vitamin B complex, and traditionally eaten warm, which is even more comforting.
Happiness rating: 3/5
Nutritional value: Wholemeal baguettes in particular provide a good source of fibre, vitamin B complex and calcium. French bread tends to be high in sodium (salt).

Bananas are rich in potassium, which is a vital mineral for nerve function. The natural sugars in bananas are released quickly into the bloodstream, making you feel energetic. This fruit contains plenty of starchy carbohydrate, which sustains your good mood.
Happiness rating: 3/5
Nutritional value: One of nature's ideal snacks. Contain plenty of potassium, fibre and starch. Also have antibiotic activity and strengthen the stomach lining against acids.

you can read more from: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-3008/Ten-foods-make-happy-eater.html

so when you're feeling down in dumps, why not try out these foods?
it helps! :)
remember! don't fret! just chill.............

good lucks readers!

Friday, January 21, 2011

move move move!

weekends.. for relaxing..
music to destress...
the man that calms me down..
follow by books to self-motivate..
so what's next?
yeah.. a little music to move your tired body and soul? would that be nice?
so let's go!
opps!! no i don't mean that we are heading to the club and jump like a lunatic on the dance floor.
we can actually do the same thing at home :D
with no alcoholic beverages and smokes all around ok?
here's a song that can make you move your body and wake your tired soul.

it's a song from Kesha.
aka the dance floor music queen.
i love the chorus part so much.
here' my little suggestion: if you're feeling bored and dull, invite your girl friends to sleepover at your place. turn on Kesha's songs and start to dance around. you definitely going to feel better the next day.
try to avoid alcoholic beverages because they make you feel drowsy the next day.

another song from Pink-Raise your glass is also a good song. my friends and i listened to that song on new year eve and that song definitely make all of us feel happier.

have a good day ahead people! :)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

life can be hard sometimes, but it's going to be okay!

everyone has different level of tolerance towards stress.
we all face challenges everyday.
we have to make decisions on the choices given.. and sometimes, even worse, we are not given choices.

few years ago,i found a book and today, i wish to share with everyone who ever read this blog!
first and foremost, let me introduce this superb fantastic awesome author!
he's Andrew Matthews.*claps*

i think he is the coolest author ever!
trust me, read his books and i'm pretty sure that you can relate yourself with the books he writes.
i have read Being a Happy Teen when i was in highschool. the book definitely taught me a lot.
the book definitely help me to get through my hardest time when i did badly in exams.. when i felt like breaking down and quarreled with my friends..

you can get an instant download of the book from his website too! click the link below!

the second book which is Happiness in Hard Times is definitely a good book too!
both adults and teenagers love his books.
Andrew Matthews' books are easy to read and fun!
you can understand his writtings well.

apart from that, you can also try signing up for Andrew's 7 days to Greater Happiness.
well, i have tried that. it works. how about you?
stop hesitating and go sign up!
good luck pals!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

to the pillar of my strength

Hello folks..
how's everyone?
i hope the week has been a relaxing one. today, i talked to dad when i feel really down. after talking to him, i felt a great relief. i do not know why! seriously..i just felt better. he convinced me to believe in myself.
hey why not the next time when you feel a little off the edge, try calling up your parents? or grandparents? i believe FAMILY play an important role in helping us to grow.
go. call anyone that make you feel better.

below is a short note i dedicate to my dad:
my dad is the breadwinner in my family.
he's more than just a father to me.
he's a teacher who teaches me and assist me whenever i need help.
he's like a lighthouse that guide me back home when it's dark.
he's my best friend who never betrayed me.
he's an awesome man who always make me smile.
he's the cutest man because he laughs at my cool jokes early in the morning.
he's like an old oak tree that provides me shelter.
he's my favorite person on earth.
i thank God for granting me this perfect man because he's the greatest gift i ever received.
i really appreciate his presence.
listening to his voice calms me down and hugging him makes me feel safe.

he comes into my mind whenever i feel lonely.
i wish to be like him. there's so much more that i have to learn from him.
dad. thanks for everything. you're the pillar of my strength.

the song above by (James Morrison- You make it real) is specially dedicated to my dad- Mr Tan Keng Siong.
lots of love from me to you.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

sing a song

" Students tend to get all stressed up when exam is coming.. 
Adults tend to get impatient when the workload is heavy..."
Here, i would like to share a music piece by Kenny G- a famous saxophonist.
The title of the song is "Morning".
I listen to Kenny G's music pieces whenever i feel stress.
The melodies are so soothing. I feel better each time after listening.
You can get the CD from any music store or Popular music store.
Hope you love this piece of music!

Monday, January 17, 2011


In my opinion, weekend is the time where working adults and students should rest their mind and brain.
one should try to slow down their busy lifestyle on weekends.
hence, i strongly disagree to have class or work on weekends.
back when i was young, my parent would bring me and my siblings out for dinner in a restaurant every weekend. we have spent very quality time together.
as we grow up, we are now apart from our parents, my siblings and i still spend quality time together every weekend.
we would sit together in the living room and chat about what had happened throughout the week.
some might disagree and say students should spend time studying on weekends but well.. everyone has different perception. so it is another issue to argue.

anyway, to me, weekend should be used as bonding session with family members, relatives or close friends. everyone should learn to work/study more on weekdays instead of weekend.
weekend can also be spent by doing good deeds such as visits to old folks home or orphanage. adults who do not have time for sports can go for exercise and sports on weekend for better lifestyle.
of course, when a student has upcoming exam, i would definitely think that studying is more important. i do not mean that students should not read books on weekends.
alright. this is just my personal opinion. you may share your thoughts and views with me.
i'm pleased to discuss with you.
and.. have a beautiful weekend ahead pals! go spend time relaxing under a tree or walk by the beach. relax. life's too short to tense up yourself. :)

relax......... inhale.. exhale.. i promise, everything will be okay!

Sunday, January 16, 2011


this picture reminds me of my 3 best friends.
we got to know each other since we were 13.
we got along very well throughout the years even though we quarrel a lot..
we named ourselves The Fabulous Four.
we appreciate each other very much and understand each other.
now, we are all apart pursuing our degree.. we meet each other less but the bond between us is still very strong.
we try to meet up whenever we have time.

to maintain a good and strong friendship, i think we must first be honest to each other.
we should never cheat each other.
4 of us always tease each other but compliment too when it's time.
we believe in our friendship and i sincerely appreciate their presence.
a big thank you to them for standing by my side when i almost break down.
a big thank you to them for helping me in decision making.
a biggggggggggg thank you to them for tolerating my crazy mood swings.
THANKS my best friends.

and here... i would like to tell everyone who read to destress.... that.....
WE ALL NEED FRIENDS! we need friends to help us through our darkest time.. so make more new friends around.
see a newbie? go say Hi!
you'll be surprised to meet new friends.

till then..


Saturday, January 15, 2011

quote of the day

Being nice doesn’t make you stupid. It makes you feel good because you know you are gracious enough to forgive and smarter enough to realise how distasteful some people can be.

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