Monday, January 17, 2011


In my opinion, weekend is the time where working adults and students should rest their mind and brain.
one should try to slow down their busy lifestyle on weekends.
hence, i strongly disagree to have class or work on weekends.
back when i was young, my parent would bring me and my siblings out for dinner in a restaurant every weekend. we have spent very quality time together.
as we grow up, we are now apart from our parents, my siblings and i still spend quality time together every weekend.
we would sit together in the living room and chat about what had happened throughout the week.
some might disagree and say students should spend time studying on weekends but well.. everyone has different perception. so it is another issue to argue.

anyway, to me, weekend should be used as bonding session with family members, relatives or close friends. everyone should learn to work/study more on weekdays instead of weekend.
weekend can also be spent by doing good deeds such as visits to old folks home or orphanage. adults who do not have time for sports can go for exercise and sports on weekend for better lifestyle.
of course, when a student has upcoming exam, i would definitely think that studying is more important. i do not mean that students should not read books on weekends.
alright. this is just my personal opinion. you may share your thoughts and views with me.
i'm pleased to discuss with you.
and.. have a beautiful weekend ahead pals! go spend time relaxing under a tree or walk by the beach. relax. life's too short to tense up yourself. :)

relax......... inhale.. exhale.. i promise, everything will be okay!


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