Saturday, January 22, 2011


"Endorphins are a group of peptide hormones that occur naturally in the brain that, when released, increase your body's threshold for pain and affect the way you feel emotionally." -eHow

when you're feeling stress and down, endorphins runs low in your body.
so you must be asking how to increase the endorphins?
alright. in this post, i shall write about foods that can happy-fy you! :)
The N-acyclethanoloamine group of chemicals found in chocolate stimulates channels in the brain to release endorphins.
Happiness rating: 5/5
Nutritional value: Chocolate contains high quantities of phenols, antioxidants which boost mood, but it also contains large amounts of fat and sugar and so piles on the calories. Because chocolate is sugary, it increases blood sugar levels very quickly, causing an energy boost, but this is followed just as quickly by a slump.

These are a rich source of vitamin C, which helps in the production of endorphins and aid the absorption of iron. They are also a good source of potassium, which helps in the generation of nerve impulses. The red colour of strawberries is due to anthocyanidin, a flavonoid known as pecargonidin.These also change our mood for the better.
Happiness rating: 4/5
Nutritional value: Sweet enough from their own sugar, strawberries are carbohydrate (starch) free but do contain some fibre. Flavonoids are powerful antioxidants, which help rid the body of harmful toxins.

Most varieties contain a good source of vitamin A, riboflavin, vitamin B12, calcium and protein from the milk.
Happiness rating: 4/5
Nutritional value: The best-tasting ice-creams tend to be high in fat and sugar so are best eaten as occasional treats. Less fattening alternatives include calcium-fortified frozen yoghurts and desserts containing just 1pc fat.

A great source of protein with no fat, pasta is also a good source of complex carbohydrates, which fill us up while releasing energy slowly. Protein contains two amino acids, tryptophan and L-pheny-lalanine, which also produce endorphins. It has been shown that a lack of protein in the diet can cause depressed moods in people with low intakes of these amino acids.
Happiness rating: 3/5
Nutritional value: Excellent. Pasta made from wholemeal flour is an even better choice, as it contains a high quantity of fibre and vitamin B complex.

French bread 
A good source of energy, containing vitamin B complex, and traditionally eaten warm, which is even more comforting.
Happiness rating: 3/5
Nutritional value: Wholemeal baguettes in particular provide a good source of fibre, vitamin B complex and calcium. French bread tends to be high in sodium (salt).

Bananas are rich in potassium, which is a vital mineral for nerve function. The natural sugars in bananas are released quickly into the bloodstream, making you feel energetic. This fruit contains plenty of starchy carbohydrate, which sustains your good mood.
Happiness rating: 3/5
Nutritional value: One of nature's ideal snacks. Contain plenty of potassium, fibre and starch. Also have antibiotic activity and strengthen the stomach lining against acids.

you can read more from:

so when you're feeling down in dumps, why not try out these foods?
it helps! :)
remember! don't fret! just chill.............

good lucks readers!


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